So if you’ve stumbled across this little corner of the ‘net, you may be asking yourself: Why on earth would anyone want to paint something so small (and maybe even silly!?) Well, the truth of that is, well, for the challenge! I’ve always had an artistic side. As a child I loved to draw (horribly) and assemble models. I always wanted watercolors but my mother wouldn’t buy them for me because they were “too messy!” My mother could be a killjoy. There’s no telling… I could have been the next Rembrandt!
Anyway, as I’ve stated previously, I was introduced to minis by my cousin, as well as a brief fascination with roleplaying games (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, actually) I remember seeing those small figures in the FLGS (friendly local gaming store) and was fascinated by the sheer level of detail that people managed to get on these tiny figures. I still am to this day! It’s a challenge, it’s fun, and it is a blast making connections on all of the forums that are dedicated to this fun hobby.
For the INFP in me, the ability to paint, write, photograph, blog, and chat really helps me connect with my artistic side. Painting minis covers a broad aspect of talent and abilities. First you want to paint something. Then you want to paint it well so you purchase brushes and better lighting. Then, you want to show off your painting for approval and corrective criticism, so you need to learn how to photograph small, detailed objects so you need a good camera, lighting, tent, backdrops, tiny tripod… It never stops! So, if you’re curious as to why you should even try to paint something so small, why don’t you pick up one of THESE and give it a go! I’ll warn you though, once you swallow the red pill and fall down the rabbit hole, there’s no turning back… But it’s totally worth it!
Thanks for reading!
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