So! I suppose this is my first official post on this new blog. I must say that it’s been a very exciting time of learning about miniatures and all that goes along with them. I started painting after messing around with some personality testing things (specifically, Meyers-Briggs) and discovering I’m an INFP. I’m not going into personality testing detail, but essentially it told me that I needed to find some way to express myself artistically. I was introduced to minis when I was a teenager by my older cousin who was in the Marines at the time. He and a few of his friends started playing, collecting, and painting Battletech minis. I can’t recall if I ever painted Battletech, but through the FLGS, I learned about all things Games Workshop as well as Battletech. I did not, however, start painting at this time. Fast forward 21 years and I found myself looking at GW again, and discovering that the GW of my late childhood was not the GW of my adult life. Of course, I didn’t discover this until AFTER purchasing an overpriced rulebook and a Space Marine codex. (neat stuff, but really, really, overpriced. Like paying Porche prices for an old VW Beetle kind of overpriced) Anyway, by doing research, I learned of Reaper miniatures and place my first order… followed by a second… followed by an Ott Light… You get the idea. At any rate, my artistic efforts produced this very first mini: Reaper’s Barrow Rat (02544- from a LTPK actually)
Reaper's Barrow Rat |
Yes, he’s gross. He’s nasty. He’s a dirty, dirty rat, but I love him! This post is dedicated to you, oh nasty rat who resides in a fishing lure box somewhere in the house. Though you rarely see the light of day, you were the beginning to a hobby that I have thoroughly enjoyed and that I have used to bring happiness to others (as well as funly painted minis! Yes, funly is a new word)
At any rate, he was mini #1. Kaya, who’s in the header above, is officially miniature #21 of project 19. You can make much progress in whatever you do, if you just apply yourself. Thank you for reading, and I’ll be sure to post better, more relevant posts in the future ;)
Thanks for reading!
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