So! Not a ton of things to say right now, but suffice it to say that I GOT A NEW TOY!!!! I've been needing a Dremel for quite some time. This has come to a head as in order to finish my mini exchange over on the Reaper forum, I need to do major damage to a wood block. I'll probably do a WIP for this one for my records, but I won't post it until my exchange parter receives the mini.

This should be a lot of fun though. I also purchased a few carving bits, and was give this link to a great article on the Woodcarving Illustrated website on bits and what they do to wood.
ALSO! I've started working on my minis for the WAMP Hasslefree Contest! I don't have a ton of time to dedicate to this project, but I'm pretty pumped about it none the less! Now, let me say that I'm an ex-gamer... Well, that's not entirely true, but I just don't have the time/skill/reflexes to invest in video games like I used to. I cut my teeth on the old arcade version of Double Dragon. I could play through the entire game on one quarter when I was probably 11 or so. This was beneficial as I generally only had one dollar to play in the arcade, so I had to make it last. People would stop to watch me play the game. Then Street Fighter II hit the arcade and the addiction grew. I got good, real good. So good in fact that the adults would not allow me to place bets against them when they'd wager who'd win with what. I had a guy break a Samurai Showdown arcade game because he dropped about $10 worth of tokens in that machine trying to beat me. He slammed the control panel so hard he shattered the glass that covered the screen. I literally almost got into a fist fight when some college guy fed Tekken II around $30 trying to win. Pit Fighter, Kagi Ki, Vendetta, TMNT, Bad Dudes, Vigilante, Karate Champ, River City Ransom and countless others all hold fond memories for me. So.... I have a thing for fighting games.
At any rate, here's the guys I'm going to try to finish for the contest.

I'll keep y'all posted as I work through these. I'd write up more, but I'd be repeating more of my WIP on the Reaper site, plus it's late.
More goodness to follow! Stay tuned, and as always, thanks for reading!
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